Armada Area Schools
Armada, Michigan
TEC has a General Services Agreement (GSA) with the District to provide all pre-renovation ACM surveys, lead paint surveys, AHERA Re-inspection, Training Services, IAQ investigations and Mold inspections.
For renovation projects, TEC prepares project documents addressing the abatement of materials that will be disturbed during construction activities. Asbestos Abatement Specifications were developed by TEC in conjunction with Construction Managers to estimate the construction time line and to facilitate the budget for environmental impact. Project oversight and consultation services aided in successful completion of each project and in many cases accelerated the time line on the abatement end and allowed additional time for construction services. Our staff is experienced, professional and diverse to handle all aspects of the projects. Backed by a sound business entity of over fifty years of knowledge and expertise in the construction field, TEC can address most if not all industrial hygiene/environmental issue that may arise.
TEC also provides on-site contractor oversight and air monitoring during pre-renovation abatement activities. This includes verifying that the contractor’s engineering controls meet project requirements, verifying contractor personnel qualifications, and monitoring work practices employed by the contractor during abatement. TEC also conducts area and perimeter air sampling to verify the effectiveness of controls that were utilized.
For projects involving the disturbance of building materials containing lead paint, TEC develops recommendations for engineering and administrative controls to prevent the spread of lead-containing dusts into areas outside the work zone. We also conduct worker exposure monitoring during paint disturbance activities. Upon completion of all site work, TEC prepares a final closure document, including air monitoring data, daily project summaries, regulatory agency notifications and waste disposal manifests for the school district. Review of all billing submittals and final payment documentation from the contractors as we close out the project with the client.