Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority
Huron & Clinton Counties, Michigan
TEC provided removal oversight and verification sampling associated with heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline USTs associated with service buildings located at various area metro parks. The purpose of this evaluation was to document the proper closure of the UST systems and to verify the adequate removal of any impacted soil. In most cases, no evidence of impact was encountered during the closure activities and UST Site Assessment reports were prepared and submitted to DEQ for approval. At one location, stained soil with a diesel fuel odor was noted in the fuel dispensing area. TEC was informed by facility personnel that several surface releases had occurred during vehicle and equipment fueling over the years. TEC directed the removal of impacted soil in this location until a storm drain was encountered and work was suspended. A subsequent subsurface investigation delineated the extent of impacted soil along the storm drain and TEC directed the removal of impacted soil along the drain until no obvious evidence of impact was noted. Soil verification samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis.