Jeffords Street Improvements
The project consisted of the repaving of Jeffords Street between Forest Street and Main Street as well as two neighboring streets. In addition, a proposed retaining wall along Jeffords Street adjacent to property along Mill Creek that is to be developed into a city park, was to be constructed. An alternate design was to widen and stabilize the existing slope. The route of the retaining wall, hill slope and sections of Jefford Street overlay fill containing debris and peat. Responsibilities included slope stability analysis for the road widening and a new sidewalk (pathway) at the top of the slope.
The scope of work was later added to include sidewalks and park structures in the proposed park area. The bottom of the slope and development in the park area had to be investigated using hand augering, due to the very soft peat. TEC provided pavement and slope stability recommendations as well as subgrade improvements in the park area. The slope recommendations included constructing a stone key at the base of the new extended slope to provide stability within the soft and wet peat soils in the floodway.
TEC continued to provide periodic inspections of the slope stabilization to verify recommendations provided in the geotechnical report were followed and resolve issues during construction.