Wayne County Land Bank
Wayne County Land Bank – NSP
Detroit, Michigan
TEC was retained to conduct pre-demolition asbestos surveys of abandoned residential structures (in accordance with NESHAP requirements) in support of the City of Detroit’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
The scope of work included reviewing previous asbestos survey and sampling information and re-inspecting each structure. Work consisted of verifying findings of previous surveys and subsequent sampling and analysis of suspected asbestos-containing materials (ACM), not previously identified. Following the AHERA sampling guidelines, suspect building materials were sampled and analyzed by a NVLAP Accredited laboratory. Project reports include description of site, laboratory analytical results, description and estimation of quantities of regulated ACM to be removed, as well as abatement recommendations.
Schedule was critical since TEC was called in to verify and correct prior work by another firm. TEC’s industrial hygiene staff successfully completed the fast track surveys on 29 residential structures within three days and submitted final reports within one week of Client’s authorization of the services.