Donald Kaylor, RPG, CP, EP

Manager, Environmental Assessment Services

Donald Kaylor is Manager of Environmental Assessment at Testing Engineers & Consultants, Inc. (TEC) and has over 30 years of environmental consulting experience.

His expertise includes environmental due diligence, contamination assessment, Risk-Based Corrective Action, and UST/leaking UST projects. Mr. Kaylor is well versed in numerous environmental topics and has personally conducted presentations on environmental topics such as due diligence, vapor intrusion, mold/fungal amplification, and due care/construction safety for public, private, and non-profit entities (e.g., Eastern Michigan University, Compuware, Yamasaki, Michigan Department of Technology, Management, & Budget, Independent Bank, Greening of Detroit, Hamilton-Anderson Architects, Clinton River & Rouge River water festivals, and many others).

He holds a Graduate Diploma in Waste Management/Groundwater Contamination, a Master of Science in Geology, and a Bachelor of Science in Geology, all from McGill University in Canada. He is an Environmental Professional (EP) per 40 C.F.R. § 312.10(b), a Professional Geologist in Indiana and Tennessee, a State of Michigan Certified UST Professional, an Asbestos Building Inspector, as well as Certified Class A UST System Operator (Michigan), Certified Class B UST System Operator (Michigan), and Certified Stormwater Operator for industrial and construction sites. He is a Past-President of the Michigan Association of Environmental Professionals (MAEP).

Donald is always on the quest for continuing education opportunities but when not managing environmental project for clients, he enjoys spending time with family, travel, hiking, hockey and bicycling. In fact, on occasion you’ll see him rolling up to TEC… weather permitting.